Port of Rønne

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At Rønne Havn A/S we are working continuously to contribute to a society where social, economic and environmental development are close combined with a sustainable change, which is visualized in the organization's daily work, which is carried out in close dialogue with relevant partners and from a sustainable perspective.

To take social responsibility is a natural part of our way of operating a port, and by listening to and coorporating with our stakeholders, we do our best to provide the best and most flexible services and create frames for local growth based on sustainable solutions.  

Our work, both at an operational og strategic level, covers most of the 17 SDGs, and in January 2022 we joined the UN Global Compact, including the Danish branch Global Compact Network Denmark, which was done to strengthen our work with the SDGs, og we have selected the following 4 SDGs, which the organization is already working on, but sees potentials for further improvements:

  • SDG 7 - Affordable and clean energy
  • SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth
  • SDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • SDG 12 - Responsible consumption and production

The other SDGs are also a part of our daily work in the organization, buth do not have the same highlight as the selected 4 SDGs.


The vision of Rønne Havn A/S is to create development opportunities in the local community of Bornholm. This is to be done by innovative solutions focused on creating prerequisites for sustainable growth in the local community.

We believe that the long-term succes of our company depends on the balance between social, environmental and economic aspects of our business, and that our customers experience professional services of a high quality by choosing us as their business partner. Our work with the ISO standards is an important element to ensure this, therefore we are currently certified in the following 4 standards:

Quality (9001:2015), Health & safety (45001:2018), Environment (14001:2015) & CSR (49001:2011)

By including the elements quality (Q), health (H), safety (S) and environment (E) in our policies and basis for cooperation, we want to ensure a corporate culture build around quality-conscious in all our processes, while at the same time through environmental awareness continuously are working to minimize the environmental impacts of our work.

You can read more about the standards here:

Once a year Rønne Havn A/S is audited by DNV to check if we are allined with the applicable requirements.

In 2022 Rønne Havn A/S was the first danish port to be certified within 4 of the 17 UN Sustainability Development Goals.

You can read more about the certification here:

Latest audit: March 2024