Annual Results reach a record high for the fifth year in a row

For the fifth year in a row Rønne Harbour delivers record high annual results in terms of turnover, capital and profit ratio. The 2017 results are 9,6% higher than the results from 2016.
The harbour activities are well under way at Rønne Harbour – and that is reflected in the bottom line.
2017 wasn’t just the year in which the company began the first stage of the four-phased expansion of the industrial harbour. It also became the year with the best annual results ever.
In 2017 the company had a turnover of 56,8 million Danish kroner – the amount matches a 2,3% increase compared to 2016.
"The progress is caused by a growth in several business areas and is also a result of sticking to the same level of volume of cargo over quay. The number of calls is almost the same, but the number of ship calls has in average increased 16% compared to 2016. Naturally, that is reflected in the financial records,” says Thomas Bendtsen, CEO at Rønne Harbour. He can look back at a year with growth in almost every field.
A rise in cars and passengers
For example, the year offered a new ferry route between Rønne and Swinoujscie in Poland where TT-Lines operates. It contributed to an increase in the number of cars and passengers:
"The new ferry route has contributed to an 6,1% increase in the number of cars passing through the port and an 5,1% increase in the number of passengers. However, the larger part of the increase has to do with a growth in the lines, Færgen operates,” is the conclusion from Thomas Bendtsen. He can also be pleased with the growth in area rental:
"In the course of the year, we signed three new rental agreements. Therefore, the turnover for rental of harbour areas and buildings increased 4,3%, he states and commends the organization:
"I’m very proud on behalf of the whole organization. We expected a 2017 annual result in the range of 13,2 million kroner. Therefore, it is obviously a pleasure to ascertain a 2 million kroner larger growth than expected.”
Chairman of the board at Rønne Harbour, Thomas Thors, is also content:
"The progress at Rønne Harbour has been second to none. I and the members of the board are impressed with the work performance and adaptability in the organization. It’s been a busy year for everyone. Parallel with the work regarding the port expansion, the focus has also been on maintenance, operation and development. It has been a long, hard and exciting slog. And that is reflected in the annual reports,” he concludes.
More information:
Thomas Bendtsen, CEO at Rønne Havn: Cell phone: +45 30 61 07 63
Vicki Johansen, Press officer at Rønne Harbour: Cell phone: +45 24 79 47 29. Mail: