Rønne Harbour: Yes, please - to more offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea Region

The North Sea has long been a 'first mover' on the offshore wind market. But now the time has come to give a lift to the eastern part of Denmark in this field in order for business activities and employment effects to disperse geographically, is the message from Rønne Harbour, the operator of Denmark's easternmost supply port and business port.
According to the Ministry of Climate and Energy, the Energy Group has decided on an upcoming giant offshore wind farm - placed on Kriegers Flak off the eastern coast of Zealand or in the North Sea outside of Ringkøbing.
The message is well-received at Rønne Harbour on Bornholm:
“It is music to our ears. Just now we have expanded the port making it able to handle heavy project equipment related to the offshore wind market. The North Sea has long been the "first mover" in this market, but now the time has come to lift the eastern part of Denmark in the offshore wind area, so that business activities and employment effects can be geographically dispersed. Siemens Gamesa has already chosen us to be the port of disembarking when the first part of Krigers Flak is established in 2020. This park will be operating at 600 megawatts and the wind turbine parts will be shipped from Rønne Harbor," says Thomas Bendtsen, CEO at Rønne Harbour in a press release.
The offshore wind farm is number one of a total of three promised offshore wind farms that will be established until 2030 as a result of the energy agreement from June. First, four possible areas were selected, which the engineering company Cowi has screened. They have now been reduced to two. Each of the three offshore wind farms will be at least 800 megawatts, which, according to the Ministry, can supply electricity to about 800,000 Danish households.
Rønne Harbour operates Denmark's easternmost supply port and business port. The harbour is geographically central to the coming offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea region and is of great importance as a growth driver.
For further info, please contact: Vicki Johansen, Press Officer: +45 24794729.